Tuesday 24 February 2015

Theory Review: The Imitation Game

On 11th of February 2015, our theory class was required to watch a movie at cinema as a class activity. This was just so cool, another cool stuff which only Ucsi will do. The movie is The Imitation Game, I had never heard of this movie until we got the chance to watch it in cinema that day. For my first impression, I think it’s quite boring. Talking part in the front actually made me feel sleepy oopss >.<.. However back part of the movie changed my mind!

ALAN TURING, the main character in this movie, an amazing man who inspired me a lot in this movie. His “never give up” spirit totally impressed me! People judged him, people insulted him, people blocked his way, but he just kept his pace and moved forward! This was not easy and not everyone can do this! He is the man who created the machine which he named it as “Christopher” and we named it as “computer” nowadays. He is mathematician, world war2 codebreaker, father of computer science. He is a genius, he made changes towards this world. However, his character was quite weird (the scene which he writing the love confess letter for Christopher), was not quite able to communicate with his fellow human, homosexual, these made me feel a little bit creepy! In the end he didn’t go together with Joan and his innocent death really made me feel sad.  For me this is quite a waste, he deserved a good lady and made a good ending of his life!

By the way, the character who I like the most in this movie is going to JOAN CLARKE. An intelligence extraordinary, humble, brave lady who I really wish to be like her! She is my idol! Her audacity made me feel that she is the goddess!! She decided to take the examination although she was the only girl, she went to Turning’s working place which Turning had arranged in order to help him in breaking enigma code, she even accepted Turning’s super simple proposal. Here is the scene script that Joan Clarke truly impressed me:

Joan Clarke: Alan, what's happened?
Alan Turing: (pause) We can't be engaged anymore. Your parents need to take you back. Find you a husband elsewhere.
Joan Clarke: What's wrong with you?
Alan  Turing: I have something to tell you. I'm.. I'm a homosexual.
Joan Clarke: Alright.
Alan Turing: No, no, men, Joan. Not women.
Joan Clarke: So what?
Alan Clarke: I just told you..
Joan Clarke: So what? I had my suspicions. I always did. But we're not like other people. We love each other in our own way, and we can have the life together that we want. You won't be the perfect husband? I can promise you I harboured no intention of being the perfect wife. I'll not be fixing your lamb all day,while you come home from the office,will I? I'll work. You'll work. And we'll have each other's company. We'll have each other's minds. Sounds like a better marriage than most. Because I care for you. And you care for me. And we understand one another more than anyone else ever has.

After i have finished this movie, I recalled back about it. Turing was actually revealed that he gay and lying about never having cared for Joan due to fearing for her safety. He did contribute a lot to this world,
main key who ended world war 2, even this computer which Im using now also related to Alan Turing. As there is a saying near the start of the film "are you paying attention". You should pay attentions. Alan Turing deserves your attention, his story deserves to be to told.

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