Wednesday 11 March 2015


This is another new assignment after rapid visualization and relief model. We were actually assigned to find a presentation layout as our reference and do another new presentation board according to the reference layout with another building that we found in internet)Photoshop was quite easy to use, however it did not treat me well on the assignment day(the day sem3 borrowed comp lab for visual comm.), photoshop suddenly not responding!!! And the thing is, i didnt save my file yet! That feeling was like: OMG, WHY ITS ME AGAIN!!!(As it was my second time in this sem).Lastly, im glad that i could manage to submit my sketches.  I am actually not really good in computer software, so in this assignment, i really feel thankful towards Ms Aida and Mr Kamal as I usually always pulling them for their tutor during lesson and even threw out a lot of silly questionsXD!


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